
吳永燦 主治醫師

吳永燦 主治醫師

Yung-Tsan Wu


台灣復健醫學會期刊(Rehabilitation Practice and Science)section editor(2023-)




1. 疼痛治療(超音波導引注射治療、增生療法注射、PRP、體外震波等)
2. 周邊神經病變再生醫學治療(腕隧道症候群、肘隧道症候群、神經手術後持續疼痛等)
3. 各式骨骼、肌肉相關疼痛
a. 各式退化性關節炎(膝、髖、肩等)
b. 各式運動傷害(肌肉/肌腱/韌帶拉傷、足踝扭傷、膝關節半月軟骨撕裂傷)
c. 椎間盤突出、坐骨神經痛、各式下背痛
d. 肩關節(五十肩、旋轉肌腱炎/撕裂傷)
e. 網球肘/高爾夫球肘、足底筋膜炎、肌筋膜疼痛、手腕關節炎、術後疼痛
4. 骨骼肌肉超音波檢查


[email protected]


> 21篇第一或責任作者原著論文、2篇review article
> 2篇IF>11分、16篇於各領域排名前30%

1. Wu YT, Ke MJ, Ho TY, Li TY, Shen YP, Chen LC. Randomized double-blinded clinical trial of 5% dextrose versus triamcinolone injection for carpal tunnel syndrome patients. Annals of Neurology. 2018;84(4):601-610 (IF: 11.27, Rank: 6%,第一作者)

2. Wu YT, Ho TY, Chou YC, Ke MJ, Li TY, Tsai CK, Chen LC. Six-month efficacy of perineural dextrose for carpal tunnel syndrome: a prospective randomized double-blind controlled trial. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2017;92:1179-1189 (IF=11.1, Rank: 12.5%,第一作者)

3. Li TY, Chen SR, Shen YP, Chang CY, Su YC, Chen LC, Wu YT. Long-term outcome after perineural injection with 5% dextrose for carpal tunnel syndrome: a retrospective follow-up study. Rheumatology 2021; 60:881-887 (IF=7.58, Rank: 14%,責任作者)

4. Chen SR, Shen YP, Ho TY , Li TY, Su YC, Chou YC, Chen L, Wu YT. One-year efficacy of platelet-rich plasma for moderate-tosevere carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective, randomized, doubleblind, controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2021;102(5):951-958. (IF=3.966, Rank: 7%,責任作者)

5. Chen LC, Ho TY, Shen YP, Su YT, Li TY, Tsai CK, Wu YT. Perineural dextrose and corticosteroid injections for ulnar neuropathy at the elbow: a randomized double-blind trial: Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2020;101(8):1296-1303 (IF=3.966, Rank: 7%,責任作者)

6. Su YC, Shen YP, Li TY, Jo TY, Chen, LC, Wu YT. The efficacy of hyaluronic acid for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized double-blind trial. Pain medicine 2021; 26;22(11):2676-2685 (IF=3.75, Rank: 25%,責任作者)

7. Lai CY, Li TY, Lam KHS, Chou YC, Hueng DY, Chen LC, Wu YT. The long-term analgesic effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injection for carpal tunnel syndrome: a cross-sectional cohort study. Pain medicine 2022 Jul 1;23(7):1249 (IF=3.75, Rank: 25%,責任作者)

8. Chang CY, Chen LC, Chou YC, Li TY, Ho TY, Wu YT. The effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma and radial extracorporeal shock wave compared to platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain Medicine 2020;21(8):1668-1675 (IF=3.75, Rank: 25%,責任作者)

9. Shen YP, Li TY, Chou YC, Ho TY, Ke MJ, Chen LC, Wu YT.Comparison of perineural platelet-rich plasma and dextrose injections for moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, single-blind, head-to-head comparative trial. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2019;13(11):2009-2017 (IF=4.32, Rank: 36%, 責任作者)

10. Chen SR, Ho TY, Shen YP, Li TY, Chou YC, Su YT, Chen LC, Lam KHS, Wu YT. Comparison of short- and long-axis nerve hydrodissection for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, single-blind trial. International journal of medical Sciences. 2021; 18(15): 3488-3497 (IF=3.738, Rank: 26%,責任作者)

11. Chao TC, Reeves KD, Lam KHS, Li TY, Wu YT. The effectiveness of hydrodissection with 5% dextrose for persistent and recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome: A retrospective study. Journal of clinical medicine. 2022; 11(13):3705 (IF=4.241, Rank: 23%,責任作者)

12. Ho TY, Chen SR, Li TY, Li, CY, Lam KHS, Chen LC, Wu YT. Prognostic factors in carpal tunnel syndrome treated with 5% dextrose perineural injection: A retrospective study. International journal of medical sciences. 2021 Mar;18(9):1960-1965 (IF: 3.738, Rank: 26%,責任作者)

13. Cheng JH, Chang SJ, Tsai HD, Chun CF, Fan GY, Reeves KD, Lam KHS, Wu YT. The Potential of Glucose Treatment to Reduce Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Apoptosis of Inflamed Neural Cells In Vitro. Biomedicines 2023;11(7):1837. (IF: 4.757, Rank: 31%,責任作者)

14. Chien-Yao Huang CY, Lai CY, Reeves KD, Lam KHY, Li TY, Cheng CI, Wu YT. Volume effect of nerve hydrodissection for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective, randomized, and single-blind study. Journal of ultrasound in medicine. 2024 Jan;43(1):161-169 (IF: 2.3, Rank: 48%,責任作者)

15. Wu YT, Checn YP, Lam KHS, Reeves KD, Lin JA, Kuo CY. Mechanism of glucose water as a neural injection: a perspective on neuroinflammation. Life 2022;12(6):832 (IF: 3.817, Rank: 29%,第一作者)

16. Shen YP, Li TY, Chou YC, Chen LC, Wu YT. Outcome predictors of platelet-rich plasma injection for moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. International journal of clinical practice. 2021 Oct;75(10):e14482 (IF: 3.149, Rank: 44%, 責任作者)

17. Wu YT, Lam KHS, Lai CY, Chen SR, Shen YP, Su YT, Li TY, Wu CH. Novel motor-sparing ultrasound-guided neural injection in severe carpal tunnel syndrome: A comparison of four injectates. BioMed Research International. 2022 Feb 17;2022:9745322 (IF: 3.411, Rank: 44%,共同第一作者)

18. Wu YT, Wu CH, Lin JA, Su DS, Hung CY, Lam KHS. Efficacy of 5% dextrose water injection for peripheral entrapment neuropathy: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 Nov 16;22(22):12358 (IF: 6.208, Rank: 23%,第一作者)

19. Wu YT, Ho TY, Chou YC, Ke MJ, Li TY, Huang GS, Chen LC. Six-month efficacy of platelet-rich plasma for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, single-blind controlled trial. Scientific reports 2017;7:94 (IF=4.996, Rank: 25%,第一作者)

20. Ke MJ, Chen LC, Chou YC, Li TY, Chu HY, Tsai CK, Wu YT. The dose-dependent efficiency of radial shock wave therapy for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: a prospective, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Scientific reports 2016;6:38344 (IF=4.996, Rank: 25%,責任作者)

21. Lam KHS, Wu YT, Reeves KD, Galluccio F, Allam Abdallah ES, Peng P. Ultrasound-guided intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome: A systematic review. Diagnostic (IF=3.992, Rank: 34.8%,共同第一作者)

22. Wu YT, Chen SR, Li TY, Ho TY, Shen YP, Tsai, Chen LC. Nerve Hydrodissection for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Prospective Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Muscle & Nerve. 2019;59:174-180 (IF: 3.852, Rank: 45.5%,第一作者)

23. Wu YT, Ke MJ, Chou YC, Chang CY, Lin CY, Li TY, Shih FM, Chen LC. Effect of radial shock wave therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2016;34:977-984 (IF=3.414, Rank: 10.3%,第一作者).


1. 青年學術獎 台灣疼痛醫學會 113年4月

2. 第五屆卓越臨床研究論文獎 台灣復健醫學會 113年3月

3. SNQ國家品質標章 (「領先全球」多方位解套、修復腕隧道神經)(醫院特色醫療組) 生策會 111年12月

4. 盧致德先生SCI或SSCI優良醫學論文獎 國防醫學院 111年11月

5. 台灣復健醫學會第一屆論文獎 台灣復健醫學會 109年9月

6. Invited Speaker專題演講 亞太復健醫學會(AOCPRM) 109年7月

7. SNQ國家品質標章 (“腕”如再生:腕隧道症候群創新治療)(醫院特色醫療組) 生策會 108年12月

8. 盧致德先生SCI或SSCI優良醫學論文獎 國防醫學院 108年11月

9. Invited Speaker專題演講 韓國復健醫學年會 108年10月

10. 盧致德先生SCI或SSCI優良醫學論文獎 國防醫學院 107年11月

11. 全院研究論文績優(全院第四名) 三軍總醫院 107年10月

12. 第十五屆新進主治醫師優秀論文獎 連倚南教授復健醫學教育基金會 106年3月

13. 全院年輕主治醫師優良著作第二名 三軍總醫院 105年11月

14. 第十一屆住院醫師優秀論文獎 連倚南教授復健醫學教育基金會 100年3月

更新時間:2024/4/25 上午 10:44:52
