
民國六十八年為培養過敏及免疫研究方面之人才,增設過敏及免疫病科之員額編制,由一般  內科兼負領導及訓練發展之責、另又設過敏科門診,實施減敏治療,嘉惠官兵、眷屬及一般民眾 。民國七十年本科敦聘美國賓州大學醫學院教授與風濕病專家蕭馬克蒞院教學並成立關節炎科門診。此後,本科升任之主治醫師亦相繼赴美進修風濕免疫及過敏病學,至此一般內科實為過敏、 免疫與風濕科之集合體。

風濕免疫科主要是治療風濕病、免疫病及過敏相關病。門診及住院病患以各型關節炎、過敏  及自體免疫病為主,實驗室的檢查以關節液的分析、自體抗體測定、血清中免疫複合體測定及組 織抗原體配型,並支援心臟、腎臟及骨髓移植作手術前的移植免疫學準備工作。

因研究優異,榮獲數次優良研究論著團體績效。完成醫學中心、教學、服務、研究三大宗旨 ,結合相關志工、社區醫學中心、為各病友會提供醫學講座、使病友對疾病能有更深一層的  認識,對這類發炎性、破壞性疾病做突破性、開創性的治療,成為國內風濕免疫學的研究重鎮。 未來將積極參與各項學會及慈善活動以期發揮社會影響力,發展尖端基礎醫學及中藥研究,達到   具國際標準之醫療品質。

In 1979, the growing importance of both immunology and allergy fields initiated the concept for cultivating specialists in these fields. In the beginning, the responsibility of training rheumatologists was assigned to the    Division of General Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Under the assistance of the founder of allergen immunotherapy in Taiwan, Professor SH Han, the clinic of allergen immunotherapy was also established since   then. In order to improve our experience on clinical rheumatology practice, we invited Professor HR      Schumacher from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as a visiting professor to our hospital and established for the first time the arthritis clinic in outpatient clinics. Subsequently, in order to fit with its clinical purpose and to provide    better service and better education for patients with immune-associate disorders, the Division of General    Medicine was changed to become Division of Rheumatology/ Immunology and Allergy   (RIA).

Our division is dealing with a variety of autoimmune disorders such as  SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, polymyositis/ dermatomyositis, crystal-induced arthritis (e.g. gouty arthritis, pseudogout), osteoarthritis, vasculitis, hypersensitivity reaction and many different kinds of rheumatic disorders. To be of assistant in     diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders, many instruments such as flow cytometry, specific allergy tests, polarized microscope, autoantibody examinations and human leukocyte antigen tissue typing for transplantation purposes are well-equipped.


更新時間:2024/4/25 上午 11:28:00
