
李宗穎 職能治療科主任

李宗穎 職能治療科主任








骨骼肌肉關節復健、運動傷害、骨骼關節軟組織超音波檢查、血友病關節疾病,超音波導引注射治療,疼痛復健 (震波治療、自體高濃度血小板注射、增生療法注射、肌肉內電刺激治療等)


1. Li TY, Chang CY, Chou YC, Chen LC, Chu HY, Chiang SL, Chang ST, Wu YT. Effect of Radial Shock Wave Therapy on Spasticity of the Upper Limb in Patients With Chronic Stroke: A Prospective, Randomized, Single Blind, Controlled Trial. Medicine. 2016 May;95(18):e3544.
2. Chang CY, Li, TY, Cheng SN, Pan RY, Wang HJ, Lin SY, Chen, YC. Prevalence and Severity by Age and Other Clinical Correlates of Haemophilic Arthropathy of the Elbow, Knee, and Ankle among Taiwanese Patients With Haemophilia. Haemophilia 2016 (in press)
3. Wu YT, Ke MJ, Chou YC, Chang CY, Lin CY, Li TY, Shih FM, Chen LC. Effect of radial shock wave therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2015 Nov 26.
4. Chang CY, Lin CY, Chen KC, Sun CH, Li TY, Tsai TH, Chang ST, Wu YT. The Predictor of Mortality within Six-months in Patients with Spontaneous Cerebellar Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Study. PLOS One. 2015, 17;10:e0132975
5. Chen LC, Ho CW, Sun CH, Lee JT, Li TY, Shih FM, Wu YT. Ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency for carpal tunnel syndrome: A single-blinded randomized controlled study. PLOS One. 2015, 12;10:e0129918
6. Lin CY, Chang CY, Sun CH, Li TY, Chen LC, Chang ST, Wu YT. Platelet count and early outcome in patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage: a retrospective study. PLOS One. 2015, 17;10:e0119109
7. Lin CY, Chang CY, Ke, MJ, Wu YY, Wu YT, Chen YC, Li TY. Effect of Celecoxib on Hemophilic Arthropathyof Knee Joint with Synovitis. Tw J Phys Med Rehabil 2014;42(4):207-214 (責任作者)
8. Wu YT, Ho CW, Chen YL, Li TY, Lee KC, Chen LC.Ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency stimulation of the suprascapular nerve for adhesive capsulitis: prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2014;119:686-92
9. Chang CY, Su HY, Wu YT, Chen YC, Chen LC, Chang ST, Li TY. Health-Related Quality of Life and Hemophilic Arthropathy in Hemophilia Patients. Tw J Phys Med Rehabil. (責任作者)
10. Wu YT, Chang ST, Chen LC, Li TY. Concurrence of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis and Parakinesia Brachialis Oscitans in a Patient with Hemorrhagic Stroke. Case Report in Medicine. 2013;2013:519808
11. Hsu KC, Li TY, Chu HY, Chen LC, Chang ST, Wu YT. Conus medullaris metastasis in breast cancer: report of a case and a review of the literature. Surg Today. 2013;43:910-914
12. Wu YT, Li TY, Chiang SL, Chu HY, Chang ST, Chen LC. Predictors of first-week mortality in patients with acute spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage. Cerebellum. 2013;12: 165-170
13. Chen YC, Chen LC, Cheng SN, Pan RY, Chang ST, Li TY. Hemophilic Arthropathy of Shoulder Joints: Clinical, Radiological,and Ultrasonographic Characteristics of 70 Patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Apr 3;95(7):e43.(責任作者)

更新時間:2024/4/24 上午 10:20:00
