
張智雅 主治醫師

張智雅 主治醫師

Chih-Ya Chang






陽明交通生物暨工程學院 物理治療暨輔助科技學系博士班






1. 整合疼痛治療(超音波導引PRP生長因子注射、周邊神經穩定注射、增生療法、體外震波ESWT、靜脈雷射ILIB、高能量紅外線等)
2. 五十肩、膝關節退化和周邊神經損傷之復健治療
3. 腦中風、脊髓損傷之中樞神經復健
4. 穿戴裝置暨遠距醫療運用
5. 運動醫學和姿勢調控訓練
6. 骨骼關節軟組織超音波檢查
7. 神經傳導肌電圖檢查


1. Chang, C. Y., Wu, Y. T., Lin, C. Y., Liu, T. J., Ho, T. Y., Shen, Y. P., ... & Chou, L. W. (2022). Inertial measurement unit-based functional evaluation for adhesive capsulitis assessment. Journal of Medical Sciences, 42(3), 115. (第一作者)

2. Lu, T. Y., Liu, K. C., Hsieh, C. Y., Chang, C. Y., Tsao, Y., & Chan, C. T. (2021, July). Instrumented shoulder functional assessment using inertial measurement units for frozen shoulder. In 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

3. Li, T. Y., Chen, S. R., Shen, Y. P., Chang, C. Y., Su, Y. C., Chen, L. C., & Wu, Y. T. (2021). Long-term outcome after perineural injection with 5% dextrose for carpal tunnel syndrome: a retrospective follow-up study. Rheumatology, 60(2), 881-887.

4. Chang, C. Y., Hsieh, C. Y., Huang, H. Y., Wu, Y. T., Chen, L. C., Chan, C. T., & Liu, K. C. (2020). Automatic functional shoulder task identification and sub-task segmentation using wearable inertial measurement units for frozen shoulder assessment. Sensors, 21(1), 106. (第一作者)

5. Chang, C. Y., Chen, L. C., Chou, Y. C., Li, T. Y., Ho, T. Y., & Wu, Y. T. (2020). The effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma and radial extracorporeal shock wave compared with platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain Medicine, 21(8), 1668-1675. (第一作者)

6. Su, Y. C., Lee, C. Y., Chang, C. Y., Chen, L. C., & Wu, Y. T. (2020). Efficacy of nerve hydrodissection with 5% dextrose in chronic meralgia paresthetica. Pain Practice, 20(5), 566-567.

7. Huang, H. K., Wang, J. H., Lei, W. Y., Chen, C. L., Chang, C. Y., & Liou, L. S. (2018). Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 47, 26-31.(共同責任作者)

8. Liou, L. S., Chang, C. Y., Chen, H. J., Tseng, C. H., Chen, C. Y., & Sung, F. C. (2017). Increased risk of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients with Bell's palsy using population data. PLoS one, 12(12), e0188982.

9. Wu, Y. T., Chang, C. Y., Chou, Y. C., Yeh, C. C., Li, T. Y., Chu, H. Y., & Chen, L. C. (2017). Ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency stimulation of posterior tibial nerve: a potential novel intervention for recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(5), 964-970.

10. Liou, L. S., Chung, C. H., Wu, Y. T., Tsao, C. H., Wu, Y. F., Chien, W. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2016). Epidemiology and prognostic factors of inpatient mortality of Guillain-Barré syndrome: a nationwide population study over 14 years in Asian country. Journal of the neurological sciences, 369, 159-164. (責任作者)

11. Wu, Y. T., Ke, M. J., Chou, Y. C., Chang, C. Y., Lin, C. Y., Li, T. Y., ... & Chen, L. C. (2016). Effect of radial shock wave therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 34(6), 977-984.

12. Li, T. Y., Chang, C. Y., Chou, Y. C., Chen, L. C., Chu, H. Y., Chiang, S. L., ... & Wu, Y. T. (2016). Effect of radial shock wave therapy on spasticity of the upper limb in patients with chronic stroke: a prospective, randomized, single blind, controlled trial. Medicine, 95(18).

13. Chang, C. Y., Lin, C. Y., Chen, L. C., Sun, C. H., Li, T. Y., Tsai, T. H., ... & Wu, Y. T. (2015). The predictor of mortality within six-months in patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage: a retrospective study. PLoS One, 10(7), e0132975. (第一作者)

14. Lin, C. Y., Chang, C. Y., Sun, C. H., Li, T. Y., Chen, L. C., Chang, S. T., & Wu, Y. T. (2015). Platelet count and early outcome in patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage: a retrospective study. PLoS One, 10(3), e0119109.

15. Ke, M. J., Chang, C. Y., Lin, C. Y., & Wu, Y. T. (2015). The Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Intra-Articular Pulsed Radiofre-quency for Hip Osteonecrosis: A Case Report. Journal of Advanced Bone Research, 1, 1-4.

16. Chang, C. Y., Wu, Y. T., Chen, L. C., Chan, R. C., Chang, S. T., & Chiang, S. L. (2015). Massage-induced brachial plexus injury. Physical therapy, 95(1), 109-116. (第一作者)

更新時間:2024/4/19 上午 09:12:00
