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Our mission:

We can provide the accurate, fast, and professional clinical tests including serology, virology, and molecular diagnostics to help physicians to make a correct diagnosis for viral and bacterial infections.

Our goal and vision:

Virology and Serology section:

Under the supporting and help by CDC, Taiwan , we become the only Contract Diagnostic Virology Laboratory in ministry hospitals. We can perform the diagnostic tests for biological level three infectious agents, as well as clinical examinations and basic research works.

Molecular Diagnostics section:

We can continually perform the real time PCR tests including unidentified pneumonia agents, influenza virus, and SARS virus under the supporting by CDC, Taiwan .

We can perform rapid PCR tests for detection of fastidious and slow-growing bacteria.

We can provide rapid and accurate paternity testing and evaluation for bone marrow transplantation.

We can provide molecular diagnostic tests for genetic diseases.

