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Title:Tingjhou branch opens Endoscopy Center and Neuroscience Examination Office.
Published day:2023/1/18

As the aging population grows and chronic diseases become more common, the number of neurological patients is increasing every year. Neurology OPD visits at the Tingjhou branch total around 2,300 each month; however, due to limited medical facilities, patients and their families usually need to travel between the Tingjhou and Neihu branches for examinations, which is time-consuming and costly.

To provide the required medical services and convenience for the local community, the Tingjhou branch continues to integrate its neurology, respiratory, gastroenterology, colorectal surgery, urology, and anesthesiology departments after the new medical imaging center opened last December to form the Endoscopy Center and Neuroscience Examination Office on January 18, 2023. These new facilities comprise the most advanced equipment and services from its excellent integrated medical team. We help patients identify early pathological changes to nerves, lungs, and the digestive tract through high-resolution and specialized image management technology for early treatment and to avoid potential surgery or chemotherapy.


Dean's speech


Tingjhou branch opens Endoscopy Center and Neuroscience Examination Office


Tingjhou branch opens Endoscopy Center and Neuroscience Examination Office


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